Sitcom "Girls' Bedroom!" The whole play a total of nine episodes, story content close to the current hot topics of current affairs, nine episodes each by a different theme of the story. The sitcom takes the female dormitory as the main scene of the film, and tells the funny stories of the daily life of the female dormitory of the Academy of Fine Arts from the perspective of four female college students with different family backgrounds and personalities. The work conveys the power of friendship, the transformation and growth of youth, and the positive attitude towards life of college students.
The work is the first independently produced sitcom since the establishment of digital media Art major. The drama truly depicts the joys and sorrows of contemporary college students through a small story. The team combines more than 30 creative staff who are professional in digital media art. With his excellent teamwork ability, good organization ability, complete technical ability and sharp insight, the director completed several short dramas after two months of shooting and four months of editing.