This work was originally inspired by the earliest written and grammatical record of Korea, "Sukyeonji", which consists of four different sizes and shapes of flower vessels. The eight characters in the motto of Tsinghua University, "Self-improvement and Virtue", are translated into Korean as "자강부식, 후덕재물". The outer outline of the surface of the flower vessel is decorated with the Korean subvowels mentioned above, namely "ㅈㄱㅇㅂㅅㄱ, ㅎㄷㄱㅈㅁㄹ". Within each sub-vowel are all the basic vowels, which are arranged at many different levels of height and size. I have placed the vowels that make up the phrase "self-improvement and virtue" at the highest level so that they are naturally recognizable. On the front of this set of four vessels are the words "Self-improvement" and on the back are the words "Virtue in the World". The front and back are decorated in different ways, giving the whole vessels a rich variety and a unique visual effect.
The work of Seonyeong Park is a very rational and well-developed piece that combines her native language and her alma mater, Tsinghua University, and not only achieves the desired effect, but also expresses her feelings and beliefs during her seven years of study in a comprehensive manner.