The stop-motion animation of Social Drama is based on the story in Lu Xun's short story Social Drama in which the young Lu Xun and his friends go to the stage by boat to watch the play. In the original work, there are less lines and stage environment, and more psychological descriptions of the protagonists. Therefore, the film restores the original plot in the plot at the same time, on its basis for appropriate exaggeration and modification, in order to meet the visual effect and atmosphere of the film. The film breaks the traditional mode of stop-motion animation and uses a large number of non-fixed shots to enhance the immersion effect of the film.
Wang Dixin's graduation creation made a breakthrough on the basis of traditional stop-motion animation creation, and boldly adopted the expression technique of combining traditional narrative structure with experimental image in the overall style of the film. At the same time, the film also combines stop-motion animation shooting, video shooting and other production methods, so as to achieve an organic combination of theory and practice, and take into account the innovation of the work.