During the pandemic prevention and control period, I carried out a set of events in my hometown of Jilin, using “water” as a clue. The 12 events are like 12 small "hydrological" events or 12 stops of water. These objects and the different states of “water” generate short connections, together forming short poems about the city and becoming a group of urban poems about “water”.
These events are more of a “presentation”: constant rain drips from the eaves into the rain boots, thus lifting the other end of the seesaw; a candle lit and a balloon of water, which sees its ending when the fire wins; a kite attached to a small island, whose fate is determined by the current and the wind’s directions……they appear suddenly and then disappear back into the silence – they return to their original place of birth and do not utter a word about this journey. In short, they will go back to the initial calmness, making a return that may have been foretold long ago.
The author uses poetic thinking to drive her imagination and takes the different states of water in various locations in the city as the subject to create a series of poetic expressions in constant variation. This kind of expression is a poetic exploration of everyday things and the ordinary spatial environment. The “truth” is achieved by an alternate non-everyday connection between everyday things and specific places, thus constructing a more exposed or hidden connection between people and objects, and the world. The natural “narrative” of the events themselves leads the viewer to spontaneous associations and reflections.
-- Zhang Ziqian