The series works of Ode to the Wind are made of pure silver, iron powder, rust and traditional mineral colors, combined with the characteristics of traditional Chinese statues; Formed a heavy feeling after the experience of time. Adopt decorative lines to match the overall rhythm; Form an emotion that can't be satisfied with the ideal "ritual system" in the heart.
Stop to move forward better, and move forward to explore better; To recall and think is to think about the present and the past again.
Su Zhuorui's "Ode to the Wind" works, through the study of Chinese traditional art of line modeling, combined with his own induction of various issues such as tradition, life and time evolution, formed a unique composition form of the works. To learn the tradition, not just the tradition; It has made a positive attempt to develop a richer expression language of sculpture. A good work should not only have its own nationality, but also its own artistic ideas. Then, go ahead; Continue to explore your own artistic path.